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240 Children Complete Robotics Training at IIT Bombay

240 Children Complete Robotics Training at IIT Bombay

(January 25, 2023)

IIT Bombay


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ग्लैक्सोस्मिथक्लाइन और स्माइल फाउंडेशन ने दिल्ली-एनसीआर में लांच की चार मोबाइल डेंटल यूनिट

ग्लैक्सोस्मिथक्लाइन और स्माइल फाउंडेशन ने दिल्ली-एनसीआर में लांच की चार मोबाइल डेंटल यूनिट

(November 08, 2022)

November 08, 2022: 

“स्माइल ऑन व्हील्स मोबाइल डेंटल वैन” से गरीबों को मिलेगी मुफ्त दंत चिकित्सा

भास्कर समाचार सेवा

नई दिल्ली। देशभर में दांतों की देखभाल, जागरूकता और चिकित्सा की असमानताओं को देखते हुए ग्लैक्सोस्मिथक्लाइन एशिया प्राइवेट लिमिटेड और स्माइल फाउंडेशन ने आज दिल्ली एनसीआर में चार मोबाइल डेंटल वैन को हरी झंडी दिखाकर रवाना किया। दो मोबाइल डेंटल यूनिट दिल्ली में और एक-एक नोएडा और गुरुग्राम में संचालित होंगी, जो आम जनता में दांतों की समस्या की नि:शुल्क चिकित्सा करेंगी। डॉ राम प्रकाश राय, जिला महामारी विज्ञानी (आईडीपीएस) सिविल सर्जन कार्यालय, गुरुग्राम ने मोबाइल डेंटल वैन को हरी झंडी दिखाकर रवाना किया गया।

मौखिक स्वास्थ्य असल में समग्र स्वास्थ्य का सूचक है और देशभर में मुंह और दांत से संबंधित समस्याओं के बोझ को कम करने के दिशा में काफी काम होना बाकी है। भारत में लगभग 85-90% वयस्कों और 60-80% बच्चों के दांतों में कैविटी की समस्या देखने को मिलती है। इन असमानताओं को समझते हुए, यह पहल आम लोगों को मुफ्त दंत चिकित्सा, देखभाल, और परामर्श देकर जमीनी स्तर पर दंत चिकित्सा सेवा में सुधार की दिशा में काम करेगी।

स्माइल फाउंडेशन रेफरल सेवाओं के लिए सरकारी और चैरिटेबल अस्पतालों के साथ संबंध स्थापित कर आम जनता का इलाज की व्यवस्था करेगी। फाउंडेशन के साथ साझेदारी पर बोलते हुए, जीएसके एपीएल के सीएसआर प्रमुख शानू सक्सेना ने कहा, “मुंह और दांत की समस्या का समग्र स्वास्थ्य के साथ एक सीधा संबंध है। स्वस्थ रहने के लिए लोगों के मुंह और दांत का भी ठीक रहना आवश्यक है। इस पहल के जरिए हम उन लोगों को भी इस बारे में जागरूक कर, मुंह और दांत संबंधी समस्याओं का इलाज करना चाहते हैं जो इस समस्या के प्रति या तो उदासीन हैं या फिर इलाज का खर्च वहन नहीं कर सकते। इस साझेदारी के माध्यम से, हम बदलाव लाने के अवसर को पूरी तरह एक्सप्लॉइट करेंगे”।

चूंकि स्कूल मुंह और दांतों की बीमारी की रोकथाम करने के लिए प्रभावी मंच हैं, इसलिए स्माइल फाउंडेशन सप्ताह में एक बार बच्चों को दंत चिकित्सा जांच की दिशा में एक स्कूल डेंटल हेल्थ प्रोग्राम भी आयोजित करेगा। “यह पायलट प्रोजेक्ट भारत में डेंटल हेल्थकेयर को संबोधित करने की दिशा में एक महत्त्वपूर्ण कदम है। हमने अपनी पहली मोबाइल डेंटल यूनिट लॉन्च करने के लिए जीएसके एपीएल के साथ साझेदारी की है,” स्माइल फाउंडेशन के सह-संस्थापक और कार्यकारी ट्रस्टी श्री शांतनु मिश्रा ने कहा। हम दंत स्वास्थ्य देखभाल वितरण में अंतर को पाटने और सभी के लिए मुंह और दांत की स्वास्थ्य सेवा सुनिश्चित करने के लिए जमीनी स्तर पर सेवाएं देने का प्रयास कर रहे हैं।

प्रत्येक मेडिकल मोबाइल यूनिट जीपीएस सुविधा से लैस है, जो दिल्ली एनसीआर और उसके आसपास के लोगों को दंत चिकित्सा परामर्श, मुंह के कैंसर की जांच और निःशुल्क सुविधा प्रदान करेगी। प्रत्येक यूनिट में एक पंजीकृत दंत चिकित्सक, तकनीशियन, कार्यक्रम समन्वयक मौजूद रहेंगे और पहले वर्ष में 72,000 लाभार्थियों तक पहुंचेंगे। ग्लैक्सोस्मिथक्लाइन एशिया प्राइवेट लिमिटेड, जो सेंसोडाइन का उत्पादन करते हैं, ने स्माइल फाउंडेशन के साथ साझेदारी में कॉर्पोरेट सामाजिक जिम्मेदारी के अंतर्गत “स्माइल ऑन व्हील्स मोबाइल डेंटल वैन” जनता की सेवा के लिए उतारीं। स्माइल फाउंडेशन और ग्लैक्सोस्मिथक्लाइन एशिया प्राइवेट लिमिटेड के उच्च अधिकारियों की उपस्थिति में चार वैन को हरी झंडी दिखाकर रवाना किया गया।

Print/ Online Media

Mobile Dental Vans for Dental Health

Print/ Online Media

Less than 50% of children able to catch up with age-appropriate learning, claims survey

Less than 50% of children able to catch up with age-appropriate learning, claims survey

(August 08, 2022)

New Delhi, Aug 08, 2022: 

  • Over 48,000 students participated in the Smile India foundation survey covering 22 Indian states.
  • 58% of teachers notice children getting distracted easily and lacking social decorum.
  • Parents are more involved with their ward’s curriculum following the pandemic.

Less than 50 per cent of children are able to catch up with their age-appropriate learning following the COVID-19 pandemic, a new survey on learning loss and education recovery revealed.

Over 48,000 students participated in the Smile India foundation survey, covering urban, rural and aspirational districts of 22 states.

“According to teachers, less than 50 per cent of children have been able to cope with the learning loss over the last two years,” it said.

“These are mostly those students who have been regularly performing well prior to the pandemic as well. Hence, bringing the rest of the students to par with their expected learning level will require some time and effort,” the survey said.

Fifty-eight per cent of teachers noted that children have missed out on social skills and now get distracted easily, it added. “Their attention span has gone low.”

Forty-seven per cent of them admitted there is an increased interaction between parents and teachers, it said.

“Thirty-eight per cent of parents started interacting with teachers by visiting schools. There is a 27 per cent increase in parent-teacher meetings attendance. Fifty per cent of parents interviewed felt the absence of digital learning resources like devices, networks, and data packs made the learning experience inadequate for the children during the pandemic,” the survey said.

Thirty-one per cent of parents’ most preferred mode of learning during the pandemic was direct classes in offline mode or cluster classes, it said. The survey also revealed that worksheets and visits by teachers “were very convenient and useful.”

Print/ Online Media

Survey reveals 58% teachers believe children missed on social skills during Covid, get distracted easily

Survey reveals 58% teachers believe children missed on social skills during Covid, get distracted easily

(August 11, 2022)

New Delhi, Aug 11, 2022:

covid, social skills in children


At least 58 per cent of the teachers believe that children missed on social skills during Covid-induced school closures and get distracted easily due to reduced attention spans, according to a survey on learning loss and education recovery.

The survey also found that less than 50 per cent of the children are able to catch up with age-appropriate learning following the COVID-19 pandemic.

Over 48,000 students participated in the survey conducted by the Smile Foundation. It covered urban, rural and aspirational districts of 22 states.

“Fifty-eight per cent of the teachers were of the opinion that children have missed on social skills and now get distracted easily. Their attention span has gone low (been shortened).

“According to teachers, less than 50 per cent of the children have been able to cope with the learning loss over the last two years and are able to catch up on (with) their age-appropriate learning currently,” it said.

These are mostly those students who had been regularly performing well prior to the pandemic as well. Hence, bringing the rest of the students at par with their expected learning level will require some time and effort in the upcoming months, the survey said.

It noted that parents have started getting more involved in their wards’ education.

Forty-seven per cent of the parents were of the view that there is an increased interaction between them and teachers in schools as well as over phone calls, it said.

“Thirty-eight per cent of the parents started interacting with teachers by visiting schools and there is a 27 per cent increase in attendance in parent-teacher meetings (PTMs).

“Fifty per cent of parents interviewed felt the absence of digital learning resources like devices, networks and data packs made the learning experience inadequate for the children during the pandemic,” the survey said.

Thirty-one per cent of the parents said their most preferred mode of learning during the pandemic was direct classes in offline mode or cluster classes, it said.

“Twenty per cent (of the parents) felt worksheets and visits by teachers were very convenient and useful,” it said.

“At least 69 per cent of the parents believe children need more support in Math and English to cope with age-appropriate learning levels,” the survey stated.

Post-pandemic, parents’ interaction with their children has also increased.

“Fifty-eight per cent of the parents increased their interactions with children, trying to understand what they have learnt in schools, (and) 26 per cent of the parents also started spending some quality time with (their) children,” it added.

Based on the survey, experts have recommended in the report that creating opportunities and spaces for “increased ownership of children in their learning process” as well as in school functioning through various means such as formation of student council (Bal Sansad), hobby clubs, student-driven initiatives such as campaigns etc., is imperative. This will ensure improved participation in the learning process and their wholesome development.

In order to promote and leverage the participation of community volunteers, the report recommends creating a cadre of local volunteers — ‘Shikshamitras’ — to cater to the learning needs of students. 


Print/ Online Media

7 Challenges Education Sector faced in 2022

7 Challenges Education Sector faced in 2022

(December 29, 2022)

New Delhi, Dec 29, 2022: As the year draws to a close, it’s worth our while to look back on the challenges faced and take forward the precious lessons learned. The world of education was reeling from the prolonged closure of schools caused by the Covid-19 pandemic when the year 2022 clocked in.

The challenges of the previous year’s struggle with keeping education going in the online mode spilled over into the new year and paved the way for adopting multiple technology integrations within the teaching processes. New challenges appeared when the schools reopened and students and teachers returned to campus.


Online learning was a good stopgap measure, but it failed to provide the personalized learning experience that takes place in a physical classroom. The impersonal interaction between teachers and students in the hybrid or online mode compromises the quality of learning.


Despite a prompt shift to online learning, students across grades experienced learning gaps or learning losses. According to the Learning Loss and Education Recovery Loss 2022 Report by Smile Foundation, less than 50 percent of children have been able to cope with learning over the past 2 years.

About 58 percent of teachers felt that students missed out on acquiring social skills due to the closure of schools. Once the schools reopened, the biggest challenge was to address these gaps and create learning recovery programmes.



Students are getting increasingly addicted to technology and some of the direct consequences of this addiction are excessive screen time, lack of physical activity, lack of in-person socializing, and attention deficit. These signs were all the more apparent when schools reopened in 2022 and children returned to classrooms after excessive indulgence in technology.



Assessment strategies were a major challenge as they had to be redesigned due to the online nature of evaluation. The results of these assessments were not very promising in judging students’ understanding of concepts across disciplines.


The curriculum was to be upgraded to meet the evolving and changing needs of the students. Learning loss recovery programmes have to be included within the curricula. Some schools even incorporate a Health Curriculum to make health education an important part of formal learning.


Students across the entire spectrum of the education world faced mental health challenges which became apparent not just during the online classes but also upon the resumption of physical classes.

The NISA Learning Loss Report 2022 details the result of a study conducted on 1502 students across 17 Indian states. 42.3 percent of the respondents said they went through stress, tension, and anxiety because of Covid-19. Addressing these mental and emotional health issues is a big task for educators.


One of the biggest challenges for teachers was upskilling and reskilling. Many had to undergo ICT training. They learned to use digital tech tools competently, create customized lessons and deliver synchronous and asynchronous lessons. Given the inexorable pace of advancement in technology and the emergence of new-age pedagogy, upskilling and reskilling are going to be the norm even in the years ahead.

Meeting these challenges head-on and overcoming the odds was indeed a learning experience for the entire education community. We all learned the importance of solidarity, resilience, adaptability, improvisation, and innovation in our field. These lessons will indeed equip educators better to nurture the children of today into leaders of tomorrow.



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Bringing Joy To The World: Vistara Magazine

Bringing Joy To The World: Vistara Magazine

Vistara Emag

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Deutsche Bank to offer engineering scholarships to 200 girls

Deutsche Bank to offer engineering scholarships to 200 girls

(December 19, 2022)

New Delhi, Dec 19, 2022: Deutsche Bank and Smile Foundation have collaborated to provide engineering scholarships to 200 meritorious women/girls from low-income families across the country. The selected students will receive funding for a four-year engineering course at select colleges in Bengaluru, Jaipur, Mumbai, and Pune.

The bank, along with its NGO partner, handed over scholarship letters and laptops at events across the bank’s offices in Bengaluru, Mumbai, Pune and Jaipur. Apart from the girls and senior management of the bank, their parents and principals were also present at the event.

The scholarship programme has been structured to provide students the required holistic support, right from inception until the completion of their course. By working in tandem with Smile Foundation, the bank will conduct half-yearly training programmes to continually upskill the girls. Post the completion of their course, students will also be given industry experience, support, and guidance for job placements.

Almost 1,100 applications were received from aspirants studying in over 50 colleges, across the four centres. Notably, many of these women would be the first in their families and communities to achieve an advanced formal education, the foundation reports. Almost all of them aspire to be role models for current and future generations.

The process of conducting orientation sessions and selecting the recipients for the scholarship was undertaken by more than 150 volunteers from the bank and the foundation.


Print/ Online Media

Smile Foundation awarded for Skill Development of Youth

Smile Foundation awarded for Skill Development of Youth

(December 12, 2022)

New Delhi, Dec 12, 2022: Smile Foundation receives the CSR Times Award 2022 for Skill  Development. Minister of State for Social Justice and Empowerment, Km. Pratima Bhoumik presented the award in the presence of eminent dignitaries.

The award conferred under Gold category was in recognition to the foundation’s Smile Twin e- Learning Programme or STeP. Smile Foundation conceptualized and launched the Programme in 2007, with an aim to create a pool of skilled and gainfully employed youth through skill enhancement in tandem with market requirements across India.

Smile Twin e-Learning Programme (STeP) is further aligned with the ‘Skill India’ initiative that was launched by the Government of India in 2015. STeP aims to empower the underprivileged youth of our country by providing them with knowledge and the requisite skills, thereby increasing their career opportunities and enabling them to secure jobs in the organized sector, become financially secure.

“We are thankful for such a meaningful encouragement. Looking at the emerging and growing opportunities for the youth, we are preparing ourselves for a significant expansion of this programme,” says Mr. Santanu Mishra, Co-founder & Executive Trustee, Smile Foundation.

This national level programme develops and trains youth with necessary skills, ensures beyond-classroom learning, helps them on career choice and counseling, facilitates exposure visits and interaction with prospective employers, and provides them with job placements.

Initially, the skill development programme was a primarily focused on providing market-oriented skill training to underprivileged youth for gainful employment in retail, hospitality and ITeS sectors. As the pandemic brought major disruption in many industries, it also triggered emergence of new jobs that demanded specific skills. As a result, Smile Foundation restructured the STeP curriculum to fit the emerging employment market. Efforts have been made to facilitate skilling and employment of youth in sectors such as healthcare assistance, digital
marketing, BFSI (business, financial services and insurance), BPO (business process outsourcing) and e-logistics where the demand for workforce is rising rapidly.

Currently, 84 STeP centres are operational across India. Out of the 75,000 students that have been trained so far, 47,000 have been placed in over 200 brands successfully. Others chose to pursue higher learning and explore more opportunities with their new-found skills and confidence. Girls constitute 61 per cent of the overall beneficiaries.

About Smile Foundation:

Smile Foundation is an Indian development organization directly benefiting over 1.5 million children and families every year through more than 400 welfare projects on education, healthcare, livelihood, and women empowerment spread across 2,000 villages and urban slums in 26 states.


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GSK launches 4 mobile dental vans in Gurgaon

GSK launches 4 mobile dental vans in Gurgaon

(November 09, 2022)

New Delhi, Nov 09, 2022: In a bid to tackle barriers in everyday health and address oral health concerns in the country, four mobile dental vans were flagged off on Tuesday by Dr. Ram Prakash Rai, District Epidemiologist (IDPS) Civil Surgeon Office, Gurugram, to serve the underprivileged communities.

GlaxoSmithKline Asia, drugmaker the makers of Sensodyne launched the vans under the corporate social responsibility initiative “Smile on Wheels Mobile Dental Vans”, in partnership with Smile Foundation.

The four vans were flagged off in the presence of senior leaders of the GlaxoSmithKline Asia Private Limited, along with the leaders of Smile Foundation.

Oral health is an indicator of overall wellbeing and there is an increased need for interventions to alleviate prevalence of oral disease burden of the country. Around 85-90 % adults and 60-80 % children have dental cavities in India.

Recognising these disparities, this initiative is a call for action to improve oral health in India by providing free dental care consultations to the underprivileged communities and increase access and utilization of dental care at the grassroots.

Smile Foundation will operate the four mobile dental vans in Delhi NCR to create awareness on oral health and hygiene, and increase access thereafter. Two mobile dental units will operate in Delhi and one each in Noida and Gurugram, serving people free of charge.

Each medical mobile unit is equipped with GPS facility, offering dental consultation, oral cancer screening to underprivileged people in and around Delhi NCR free of charge. Each unit is staffed with a registered dentist, technician, programme coordinator and aims to reach out to 72,000 beneficiaries in the first year. Smile Foundation aims to establish linkages with government and charitable hospitals for referral services.

Speaking on partnering with Smile Foundation, Shanu Saksena, Head CSR, GSK APL said, “There’s a synergic relationship between oral health and overall wellness. Taking actions to support communities to be healthy is reinforcing our commitment that better everyday health should be within the reach for everyone. That’s why, we want to positively impact people living in the communities we operate in”.

On the occasion, Santanu Mishra, co-founder & executive trustee, Smile Foundation, said:”This pilot project is a step towards addressing dental healthcare in India. We have partnered with GSK APL to launch our first ever mobile dental units. We are hoping to bridge the gaps in dental healthcare delivery and provide quality services at the grassroots to ensure oral healthcare for all.”


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161 B/4, 3rd Floor, Gulmohar House
Yusuf Sarai Community Centre
New Delhi-110049
Phone : +91-11-43123700

Supplementing & In Alignment with Government Initiatives

donation for child education in india


Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
National Education Policy
Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao
Digital India

donation for child education


Skill India
Enhancing Formal Skilling

donation for health care


National Rural Health Mission
Universal Health Coverage
National Digital Health Mission
Promotion of Govt. Health Schemes

livelihood skills training programs


Anaemia Mukt Bharat
Poshan Abhiyan
Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan
Anganwadi Strengthening