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Print/ Online Media

As Economy Recovers From Covid Shock, Reskilling Youth Is The Top Job

As Economy Recovers From Covid Shock, Reskilling Youth Is The Top Job

The Covid-19 outbreak refused to be just a public health crisis; it has shocked the global economy. The pandemic’s impact has been far reaching. Data from the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy indicates that over 10 million people lost their jobs just in the second wave of Covid-19.

As many as 97 per cent households have experienced decline in income since the pandemic began. This situation warrants an assessment of how we can reskill youth for jobs.

Backed by success in mass vaccination, our country is on the path of economic recovery. The World Bank sees India growing 8.3% in the ongoing financial year. The International Monetary Fund expects the Indian economy to grow at 9.5% in 2021 and at 8.5% in 2022.

As our economy recovers, we will need to reskill and equip our youth with competencies that are sought after in the post-covid world so there is ample quality talent that to support economic recovery.

We must do all we can to reskill the youth to enable broad-based participation in the job market in the post-Covid world, where new skills are in demand and the way of work stands altered. India’s reputation as a service sector powerhouse is intact and the sector is getting a new lease of life.

Service sector jobs are aspirational and provide ample opportunities for learning, career development and lateral movement.

Youth prefer service sector jobs and see them as a segue into building a career. The services sector requires youth who are trained in skills such as English language proficiency, basic computer dexterity, personality development, soft skills, and retail management, among others.

The non-profit sector in India is playing a key role in driving access to opportunities for skill development in these areas for underprivileged youth. From cushioning our vast populace from the shock of the pandemic to skilling the youth for jobs, India’s non-profit organisations have worked tirelessly for the past year and a half to alleviate human suffering.

Now more than ever, the country’s non-profit sector requires more convergence with other stakeholders such as corporates and governments.

We must all work together to help the youth through carefully designed, targeted interventions meant to train them in skills that can get them employed gainfully.

Solutions for skilling the youth range from classroom training of modules to e-learning programmes. E-learning programmes and virtual classrooms modes have emerged as popular and effective mediums post pandemic as it allows learning as per one’s pace, convenience of time and place.

Many non-governmental organisations have led the creation of extensive training modules for skilling the youth. This includes e-learning modules. Such is the quality and impact of these skill training modules that they are being implemented in the curricula of mainstream universities, which are tying up with Community-Based Organisations (CBOs) for supplying them high quality training material.

The Government of India has designed and implemented programmes such as Skill India which aims to train 400 million people in different skills by 2022. These programmes need active participation of youth, particularly those from the marginalised backgrounds. And non-profit organisations are enabling just that to happen. Civil society organisations are driving population scale change in skill development for poverty alleviation, social justice and wider socio-economic impacts.

Community-Based Organisations (CBOs) have experience of delivering impact on the ground. They have strong on-ground networks and an acute understanding of just what will work to deliver impact. These strengths of CBOs complement the sheer reach of the government and the resources of corporates to effect large-scale impact.

The author is co-founder and Executive Trustee, Smile Foundation titled “As economy recovers from Covid shock, reskilling youth is the top job”. The opinion expressed in the article are author’s own.

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Print/ Online Media

How Climate Change Can Be Addressed Through Civic-Driven Initiatives

How Climate Change Can Be Addressed Through Civic-Driven Initiatives

How Climate Change Can Be Addressed Through Civic-Driven Initiatives

Prime Minister Narendra Modi made five significant commitments at the COP26 climate summit recently. First – India will take its non-fossil energy generation capacity to 500 GW by 2030, second – India will meet 50% of her energy requirements from renewable energy by 2030, third – India will reduce its total projected carbon emissions by one billion tonnes from now until 2030, fourth – by 2030, India will reduce the carbon intensity of its economy by 45% and fifth – by the year 2070, India will achieve the target of Net-Zero carbon emissions.

Notably, this positioned India as one of the key signatories and spelt out the nation’s commitment towards tackling emissions from the burning of fossil fuel. While this sets out a clear roadmap for our country to follow, the intersectorial contribution of states, industries and people will be important in helping us reach this target.

The conversation on expanding renewable energy capacity by establishing the International Solar Alliance, handing out concessional financing and training by facilitating knowledge exchange are all initiatives already underway.

States have been asked to identify areas for setting up solar parks and given targets to meet energy demands through renewable sources. Private corporations have been roped in to reduce dependence on import of solar cells and international MoUs have been signed to ensure that waste management and recycling are executed properly.

From the macro lens, two major stakeholders – the government and industries – are working to fight climate change, and there is no doubt that their contribution will be key to ensuring that temperature rise is kept below 1.5 degrees celsius. However, this effort requires coordination and cooperation from every individual.

Youth and children will be worst affected by climate change and must be educated about the pitfalls of the society not acting in unison. Ushering in social and behaviour change will be vital as it will drive every individual to adopt a sustainable and environment-friendly lifestyle.

Schools have taken cognisance of the need to make children aware of the repercussions of climate change. They have set up modules to drive behaviour change. From plantation drives to energy-saving practices, today’s children, especially those from privileged backgrounds, are taught the best practices needed to reduce their carbon footprints.

Income inequality creates a big divide, increasing exposure of the poor to the impact of climate change. People from marginalized communities must be aided through innovative and impactful climate solutions.

The recent COP26 saw parties acknowledging the need to fully embed science in thier decision-making processes. We must build robust climate change mitigation strategies through technological innovation to address climate change at the grassroots as well as globally.

A number of corporates have now adopted robust sustainability practices and are imbibing systemic change by adopting technology to fight climate change, while civil society organisations have stepped forward to address climate action at the grassroots.

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced us to rededicate ourselves to innovate to mitigate climate change. It has highlighted the impact of infectious diseases on the global socio-economic landscape.

Climate change threatens to trigger the spread of a number of viral diseases with drastic repercussions. The urgency to act against climate change has never been greater.

Over the past decade, India has experienced several climate emergencies, from flashfloods to droughts to heatwaves. India’s action towards mitigating climate changeis dependent on multiple factors.

Our country requires all stakeholders – the government, corporates and civil society organisations to work closer than ever and devise solutions for the greater good. Each of these stakeholders brings unique strengths to the table and their roles are complementary.

While the government has scale, corporates have the wherewithal to fund research and innovation. Civil society organisations have reach and on-ground connect, matched by rich experience of delivering solutions at the last mile.

All these stakeholders must combine strengths to help humanity emerge out of the impending climate crisis.

The author is co-founder and Executive Trustee, Smile Foundation. The opinion expressed in the article are author’s own.

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Print/ Online Media

Growth of virtual care will define the future of Indian healthcare services

Growth of virtual care will define the future of Indian healthcare services

The ferocity of the pandemic has forced innovation in health, education, and several other domains. It fast-tracked change that was considered radical not so long ago.

by Santanu Mishra

COVID-19 was a black swan event that had far-reaching ramifications across sectors. No sphere of human activity has been left untouched by the impact of the pandemic. But, in its truest sense, the outbreak of COVID-19 was a healthcare crisis. It shocked global healthcare systems, exerting unprecedented pressure on them. Make no mistake, our healthcare systems have emerged from the biggest health emergency of this generation. The ferocity of the pandemic has forced innovation in health, education, and several other domains. It fast-tracked change that was considered radical not so long ago.

A case in point is the way the pandemic shifted administrators’ attention to healthcare, an area that has traditionally not been the highest concern. It also forced innovation in healthcare administration and delivery. The result is the emergence of virtual health or e-health services . The e-health services market in India is expected to reach USD 10.6 billion by 2025.

Before the outbreak of COVID-19, a 2019 McKinsey survey of health system leaders revealed that the adoption of virtual health services was highly concentrated in synchronous telemedicine, with limited investment in the full suite of available virtual healthcare technologies. Virtual healthcare adoption was low among communities from the lower and middle-income groups due to factors of cost and access. With the harsh progression of the pandemic, virtual delivery of healthcare services proved its worth to the society and the nation at large.

We are of the firm belief that India’s critical developmental problems can be solved by an influx of entrepreneurial energy, intentional capital, and resources through public-private partnerships – channeled into the social sector.

A combination of factors like technological integration, convergence of corporate and development sector stakeholders, and the emergence of a new crop of Social Enterprises is helping India achieve its sustainable development goals faster.

India is witnessing technological innovation which is solving societal problems with speed across various sectors. One such example lies in the healthcare space, where technology is helping drive access and is improving the quality of services rendered. The pandemic has shown that having a strong digital layer is a prerequisite for providing access to quality healthcare across the country. The only way to make healthcare delivery successful is to combine technology with the skill available on the ground.

For a large and diverse country like India, it is crucial to expand healthcare service delivery through the online medium. According to reports, the telemedicine market holds the most potential in the e-health segment in India and is expected to touch USD5.4 billion by 2025, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 31%. With artificial intelligence, machine learning, and predictive modelling, virtual delivery of healthcare services is well on its way to grow and democratize healthcare in India. Increasing adoption of virtual delivery of healthcare services augurs well for India and will help our country prepare for future health crises by improving resilience of the healthcare sector.

There is a need for all stakeholders to work collaboratively to increase the accessibility of quality healthcare services to all. The government, civil society organizations, and businesses will need to collaborate to innovate in the e-health services domain and innovate for social good to address the needs of people at the grassroots. The Ministry of Science and Technology recently announced the launch of a special incentive scheme to support several startups in telemedicine, digital health and artificial intelligence.

The healthcare sector is evolving at great speed in the post-pandemic era to grow and contribute to the Indian economy. According to data from Invest India, the Indian healthcare industry is projected to reach USD 372 billion by 2022 while the digital healthcare market alone is estimated to reach. USD 6.5 billion by 2024.

Expanding the virtual delivery of healthcare services will be critical in helping India achieve universal health coverage. The pandemic has taught us that a strong healthcare system is an absolute necessity for India and the world. Strengthening healthcare services with telemedicine and virtual healthcare to provide universal health coverage require policy intervention as well as increased cooperation among all stakeholders.

Santanu Mishra, Co-Founder and Trustee, Smile Foundation

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Press Releases

PepsiCo Foundation and Smile Foundation showcase nutrition enhancement program for adolescent girls in Gujarat – in the presence of Shri Haribhai Chaudhary, Hon’ble Minister for Coal & Mines (Gujarat)

PepsiCo Foundation and Smile Foundation showcase nutrition enhancement program for adolescent girls in Gujarat – in the presence of Shri Haribhai Chaudhary, Hon’ble Minister for Coal & Mines (Gujarat)

~ The Program benefits 1000 girls in the district, diagnosed with mild to severe anaemia ~

~ Michelin star Chef and PepsiCo’s Nutrition Ambassador Vikas Khanna develops nutritious ‘laddoo’ recipe using local ingredients to help supplement diet ~

Palanpur (Gujarat), 19 February 2020: With the aim of reducing the prevalence of anaemia among adolescent girls, PepsiCo Foundation, in partnership with NGO partner Smile Foundation, has commenced a nutrition enhancement program called ‘Sampoorna’ (meaning ‘Complete or whole’) in Banaskantha district, Gujarat.

The project is working to improve the health and nutrition levels of at least 1,000 adolescent girls across 10 villages in the Banaskantha district.

Shri Haribhai Chaudhary, Hon’ble Minister for Coal & Mines, Government of Gujarat and celebrity star Chef Vikas Khanna attended the reception where senior leaders from PepsiCo India and Smile Foundation presented the program model to the Minister.

Designed as a model program for addressing the prevalence of anaemia among girls, project ‘Sampoorna’ aims to encourage behavioural change regarding proper dietary practices, and help improve nutrition quotient, while also empowering the girls with livelihood capabilities.

As part of the nutrition enhancement efforts, the program has also roped in Michelin Star Chef and PepsiCo’s Nutrition Ambassador, Vikas Khanna to develop a nutritious recipe that will supplement the girls’ diet. Based on insights into diet and food preferences in the region, Chef Vikas Khanna has developed a nutritious ‘laddoo’ recipe using locally available ingredients like jaggery, sesame seeds and maize flour.

Speaking about the project, Ms. Neelima Dwivedi, Vice President, PepsiCo India, said, “Nutrition deficiency and related issues are real risks to socio-economic progress. We are happy to partner with Smile Foundation to effect positive change among the communities in Gujarat, particularly women and girls, as we believe that empowering a woman is equal to empowering a family. Our objective with project ‘Sampoorna’ is to help create a sustainable model to reduce the prevalence of anaemia among adolescent girls through behaviour change and nutrition support. At the same time, the project will also help make a lasting impact by empowering these girls with livelihood trainings and linkages.”

“We are grateful to Chef Vikas Khanna for his contribution to the project, in giving his time and effort to create a nutritious recipe that is suited to the needs of the communities in the region. The ‘laddoo’ has been well received by the girls in the program, and we hope that they will benefit from making it a part of their diet going forward,” she added.

Commenting on his involvement with the PepsiCo Foundation project, PepsiCo’s Nutrition Ambassador, Michelin star Chef Vikas Khanna said, “I feel humbled to be part of this project. A healthy diet is paramount to long term well-being, especially in the formative years of adolescence among girls. At the same time, it is important to keep in mind the local palette. Given the fondness for sweetmeats in this region, we have reformulated the universally loved ‘laddoo’ using healthier ingredients that are easily available. I am delighted to see how well the children have accepted this recipe and hope that it can become a part of their regular diet. Once these girls realise the importance of eating healthy, they can surely bring change for their entire family by helping them adopt nutritious options.”

PepsiCo Foundation’s ‘Sampoorna’ program is structured to help beneficiaries through three key interventions – (i) Nutrition Training to building awareness for nutrition and hygiene and to encourage consumption of Iron-Folic acid tablets, (ii) Nutrition Support by strengthening government linkages and providing nutritious snacks, (iii) Capability Building through training in livelihood skills and linkages for long term impact.

Speaking about the partnership, Mr Santanu Mishra, co-founder and executive trustee, Smile Foundation said, “We share PepsiCo Foundation’s vision to help address the nutrition gap among children from underprivileged communities. It is our endeavour to bring about behavioural change that will help adolescent girls understand the importance of a nutritious diet, and we believe this will create a ripple effect for their family and future generations. Further, we hope that creating livelihood skills and opportunities will help them sustain the change.”

Additional Details:

A baseline study conducted by Smile Foundation to assess the nutritional status of adolescent girls (14 to 19 years) in the region, reveals that 78% of adolescent girls are anaemic (varying from mild to severe), with 50% girls being moderately anaemic and about 13% being severely anaemic. The survey also revealed that only 17.6% were attending school, with most respondents (49%) dropping out of school after Class 6 or 8. The study further revealed that around 84% of the respondents have never consumed any multi-vitamin or iron folic acid supplements, and most of them having no awareness of anaemia or ever having checked their anaemic status.

Project ‘Sampoorna’ is in line with PepsiCo’s Performance with Purpose 2025 vision to improve access to nutritious foods to underserved communities across the globe. The project has enrolled over 1000 adolescent girls from 10 villages in the Banaskantha district in Gujarat. In 2018, PepsiCo Foundation also invested INR 37.5 million to positively impact 3300 children in Gujarat through Akshayapatra’s meal distribution program.

PepsiCo Foundation

Established in 1962, the PepsiCo Foundation works with non-profit partners to develop innovative, sustainable solutions that address challenges in underserved communities around the world. The Foundation, along with PepsiCo and its employees, seeks to catalyze efforts that advance our Performance with Purpose 2025 goals related to increasing access to nutritious servings, providing access to safe water, partnering to increase recycling rates, and enabling young women to progress through school and be successful in the workforce. For more information, please visit

PepsiCo India

PepsiCo entered India in 1989 and has grown to become one of the largest MNC food and beverage businesses in India. PepsiCo India has been consistently investing in the country and has built an expansive beverage and snack food business supported by 62 plants across foods and beverages. PepsiCo India’s diverse portfolio includes iconic brands like Pepsi, Lay’s, Kurkure, Tropicana 100%, Gatorade and Quaker.

PepsiCo’s growth in India has been guided by “Performance with Purpose”- our fundamental belief that the success of our company is inextricably linked to the sustainability of the world around. We believe that continuously improving the products we sell, operating responsibly to protect our planet and empowering people around the world is what enables PepsiCo to run a successful global company that creates long-term value for society and our shareholders. In 2009, PepsiCo India achieved a significant milestone, by becoming the first business to achieve ‘Positive Water Balance’ in the beverage world, a fact verified by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India Pvt. Ltd. The company has been Water Positive since then. For more information, please visit

About Smile Foundation:

Smile Foundation is a national level development organisation reaching out to more than 600,000 underprivileged children, youth and women directly every year through more than 250 welfare projects on subjects such as education, healthcare, youth employability, and women empowerment across 25 states of India. Adopting a life cycle approach of development, Smile Foundation focuses its interventions on children, their families and the community.

Website –

For further details, please contact:

Gayathri Sharma | +91 9891146777 | [email protected]
Aditya Bakshi | +91 9873270042 | [email protected]
Jaya Shroff | +91 9818194294 | [email protected]

Press Releases

Smile Foundation Aims To Get “Every Child in School”

Smile Foundation Aims To Get “Every Child in School”

Over 1000 employees from various corporate and youth partners of the NGO ran for supporting child education at Tata Mumbai Marathon 2020

Mumbai, 19 January 2020: Over 1000 employees from various corporates ran at the Tata Mumbai Marathon 2020 for Smile Foundation helping them support the education of more than 1600 underprivileged kids under its flagship program “Every Child in School”. The education costs for supporting each child, which covers cost of books and stationary, teacher and staff salaries, infrastructure upkeep, nutrition needs among other things was provided through them.

HDFC Life, Prudential, Cello, Abott Healthcare, Ion Foundation, Polycab, Coversto, SBI Life, LIC and Schindler helped support the cause by enabling Smile Foundation to provide cost free education to these children.

Speaking on the occasion Mr. Santanu Mishra, Co-Founder and Executive Trustee, Smile Foundation said, “To see such enthusiasm and participation from India Inc, reassures our commitment to bring in ‘Civic Driven Change’. Every Child in School is a unique campaign of Smile and is committed to ensuring that poverty doesn’t stand in the way of a child’s education. Through such generosity we can now safeguard continued education for at least 2000 more students for another year.”

An estimated 17.7 million children in India are out of school, working in hazardous conditions, living on the street, braving hunger, poverty and violence. The Mission Education programme, the overarching programme of Ever Child in School, identifies such out-of-school children from remote villages, tribal areas and urban slums, and provides them quality education. In addition to this the programme also looks after their health, nutrition, and holistic development through participation in co-curricular activities.

Last year 30,000 children across 22 states of India were directly provided education through 261 Mission Education projects. 51% of total beneficiaries were girls, while 74% of children were 1st generation learners from remote villages & tribal families. All of them received regular nutrition & health care support while the teachers received training in innovative teaching skills through the programme.

About Smile Foundation:

Smile Foundation is a national level development organisation reaching out to more than 600,000 underprivileged children, youth and women directly every year through more than 250 welfare projects on subjects such as education, healthcare, youth employability, and women empowerment across 25 states of India. Adopting a life cycle approach of development, Smile Foundation focuses its interventions on children, their families and the community.

Website –

For press queries contact:

Smile Foundation: Jaya Shroff: [email protected]

MSL India: Rishabh Khanna: [email protected]

Press Releases

Smile Foundation launches a special programme for providing nutrition support for the families affected by COVID-19 lockdown

Smile Foundation launches a special programme for providing nutrition support for the families affected by COVID-19 lockdown

NEW DELHI, Apr. 01 /CSRwire/ – With the economic distress and ongoing lockdown, Smile Foundation is distributing free ration to the underprivileged society and also providing tele-consulting and tele-counseling. Through these sessions, Smile will be talking about how to prevent COVID-19 by practicing social distancing and maintaining the hygiene of self and surroundings.

Approximately 40,000 families (more than 200,000+ people) across 10 worst-hit states, namely Delhi, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Karnataka, Telangana, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal and Punjab will benefit in the first phase of ration and essential services distribution.

National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO), 2011 denotes that close to 30 million workers in India are constantly on the move and more workers are added each day. With the lockdown in place, over the last few weeks dependence on daily wages has been erratic and is on a slowdown. Scores of migrant workers are looking to leave the cities as they see no hope of income or food. With Governments across the nation looking to provide food and shelter, reaching out to everyone is essential at this stage, and that needs to be done with all stakeholders including NGOs, corporates, and civil society.

“During the last 15 years we must have worked with more than 12 disasters and every time we have reached out to the ones in need. This is something far bigger than anything that has happened in the past, and our strength that is community reach has become our weakness in this scenario as being physically present on the ground is challenging. We are constantly guiding and training our health teams to deliver primary health needs to the underserved community by way of tele-counselling. Safety for one and all is our priority.” said Mr. Santanu Mishra, Co-Founder, and Executive Trustee, Smile Foundation.

Smile Foundation has developed a two-pronged strategy to mitigate this crisis and aims to reach 150,000 such families in phases by providing dry ration thus, securing them against goods scarcity in the wake of a possible virus outbreak and basic necessity kit as part of immediate relief for a month in the current times arising out of COVID-19. The kits include rice, dal, salt, oil, sugar, masks, sanitary pads, soap to name a few and other essentials.

Smile Foundation has now started providing online medical assistance and tele-consultation across affected areas of the country thereby providing healthcare services at home digitally and increasing awareness towards social distancing and hygiene.

Prior to the lockdown, more than 180 healthcare professionals (including doctors, paramedical staff, community health workers) were on the field every day through Smile’s mobile unit “Smile on Wheels“ to spread awareness about protection from #COVID-19 to the most vulnerable population, living in 1000 communities spread across 19 States.

About Smile Foundation:

Smile Foundation is a national level development organisation reaching out to more than 600,000 underprivileged children, youth and women directly every year through more than 250 welfare projects on subjects such as education, healthcare, youth employability, and women empowerment across 25 states of India. Adopting a life cycle approach of development, Smile Foundation focuses its interventions on children, their families and the community.

Website –

Jaya Shroff: Smile Foundation: [email protected] | +91 9818194294

Press Releases

Helping Children Cope with Cornonavirus Lockdown

Helping Children Cope with Cornonavirus Lockdown

Smile Foundation conducted a week-long pan India painting project for positive and productive engagement of children at home

New Delhi, April 06, 2020: The lockdown due to coronavirus has shaken the entire world. Millions of children are displaced from their schools, leaving the parent-communities finding ways to channelize kids’ energies into at-home life. In a bid to help parents and schools, keep the children busy and engaged productively, Smile Foundation came up with a week-long pan-India painting project.

A social development organization which works with school going children- both privileged and underserved– under their Child for Child programme, started the all India painting project to keep children busy with colours to fight gloom and boredom.

“This project is primarily designed in keeping the benefits of art therapy in mind. This boredom, gloom and uncertainly caused by the spread of virus and related deaths mostly always transfers to children where it negatively impacts their mental health. The idea is to manage behaviors, process feelings, and reduce stress and anxiety, which affected all children, across society,” said Santanu Mishra, Executive Trustee and Co-Founder, Smile Foundation.

“It is almost a journey of self-discovery, where these children showcase their understanding of the fears surrounding them. Creating art often helps one acknowledge and recognize feelings and worries that have been lurking in the sub-conscience,” he said.

Smile Foundation’s Child for Child team reached out to thousands of their school partners in a bid to keep students not only busy and engaged productively but also to compete for fun. A national level campaign, “Let’s Win the Fight over Corona” was started on March 30 and concluded on April 6.

“We were overwhelmed with the tremendous response we received from across zones. Most entries, almost 50% came from Maharashtra, probably because the state has now become the epicenter for Corona Virus in India.There are some beautiful paintings that have been submitted by children,” said Monica Mor, Head, Child For Child Programme, Smile Foundation.

“This Corona pandemic has truly left our students affected and they really want to do something, whatever little while staying home. The submissions vary in their concepts, from “Washing Hands”, “Break the Chain”, “Social Distancing”, “Save the Earth”. Children as young as 4 years have sentin their drawings. This clearly shows that students care and that they want to be heard,” she said.

Child for Child, is a flagship initiative of Smile Foundation that works towards sensitization of privileged children and their parents, towards the existing inequalities around them. Under the program, Smile visits various schools and conducts engaging sessions for the young minds.

“It’s a great initiative to make the kids engaged with the activities and to make them aware on Covid 19”, said SuneethaManthri from Hyderabad, whose 12 year’s old daughter studies in Global Edge School.

Website –

Press Releases

Smile Foundation Uses Tele-Counseling to provide Psychological Support to the Underserved

Smile Foundation Uses Tele-Counseling to provide Psychological Support to the Underserved

The pilot phase of tele-counselling which started a week ago in Howrah, Kolkata scanned close to 250 patients daily is now going national

New Delhi, 15 April 2020: The National NGO Smile Foundation plans to reach out to 40,000 families in the next one month, across 14 states to provide psychological counselling needs through tele-calling.

“Suicidal tendencies, fears, and anxieties have gripped the poor and migrant labour populations who have been the worst affected by this sudden decision of lockdown by the government to contain the spread of the deadly COVID-19 virus. With the lockdown being extended, our beneficiaries need us more than ever to be there for them. Through this directly connecting with beneficiaries, we aim to create a sense of security and also help in addressing their fears,” said Santanu Mishra, Co-Founder, and Executive Trustee, Smile Foundation.

National NGO Smile Foundation, which works on primary healthcare has drawn out a plan to reach out to these marginalised populations and helping them fight their fears and anxiety in this period of lockdown through mental health counseling.

The pilot phase of tele-counselling which started a week ago in Howrah, Kolkata, scanned closed to 250 patients daily. In the coming weeks, the state teams consisting of doctors, nurses, and paramedics will be scaling up operations across all the project states covering both villages and urban slums as well predominantly COVID-19 affected states namely Maharashtra, Delhi-NCR, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, Jharkhand, Orissa, Chhattisgarh, and Uttar Pradesh.

“Over the next couple of weeks, trained counsellors, doctors, nurses from Smile Foundation will be making make several thousand calls to all beneficiaries within our network and partner organizations to ease out their angst caused by the spread of the deadly corona-virus which has killed more than 300 people and infected close to 8000 people across India,” said Satnam Singh, health lead at Smile Foundation.

He added, “Through tele-counseling we are creating awareness on the disease, advising on the importance of hand-washing, and guiding the use of masks among other precautionary measures.”

“Our pan-India primary healthcare program Smile on Wheels has come up with an innovative way of connecting with beneficiaries due to lockdown. Tele-counseling is a simple and effective way of understanding what the most vulnerable populations are experiencing and how we can help. It not only allows us to provide ears to hear them out worries but also enables us to understand their day-to-day situation. We provide them with the best-suited remedy and ensure that they are safe and healthy.” said Mr Hitesh Kumar Choudhary, who works at the Noida location of Smile Foundation.

“Smile doctors and nurses are reaching out to communities adversely affected by the lockdown, more specifically people who need food or further health referrals. They also provide access to government and private service helplines, which the beneficiaries may or may not be aware of.”

Last week, Smile Foundation started its first phase of ration distribution wherein it reached out to 40,000 families across 10 states. Over the coming weeks, the foundation aims to reach out to another 1,10,000 families across 19 states and help them meet their daily nutrition needs, as well as sanitation needs like masks, soaps, sanitary napkins and sanitisers.

About Smile Foundation:

Smile Foundation is a national level development organisation reaching out to more than 600,000 underprivileged children, youth and women directly every year through more than 250 welfare projects on subjects such as education, healthcare, youth employability, and women empowerment across 25 states of India. Adopting a life cycle approach of development, Smile Foundation focuses its interventions on children, their families and the community.

Website –

Jaya Shroff: Smile Foundation: | +91 9818194294 | [email protected]

Press Releases

India Shares for a Better Tomorrow

India Shares for a Better Tomorrow

A campaign by Smile Foundationand India Today Group to help end the hunger crisis

New Delhi, May 16, 2020: Smile Foundation, in a campaign supported by India Today Group, will be showcasing a series of capsulesfrom across India, highlighting stories of hope and courageof people who have been severely affected by the lockdown.

This 10-part series that will air on India Today Television hopes to encouragethe news audiences and affluent strata of the societyto positively contribute towards ration distribution through Smile Foundation’s campaign ‘India Shares.’

“Through this campaign our aim is to reach our goal of providing dry ration kits to 1.5 lakh families across 15 states. Since the onset of this pandemic, we have taken every possible measure to ensure that people severely affected by this lockdown are catered to. Not only have we worked on distributing ration and sanitary needs but also looked at providing tele-counseling and tele-consulting, as we are using an integrated approach to reach out to all our beneficiaries.” said Santanu Mishra, Co-Founder, and Executive Trustee, Smile Foundation.

“As we face this unprecedented crisis, our news channels are also playing an instrumental role in fighting the pandemic. While bringing our viewers the best on-ground coverage, world’s top experts, deep data intelligence and an extensive fact-checking unit, we also believe in driving change through positivity, hope and perseverance. Through this series we will bring you just that- inspiring stories of hope amidst a pandemic, showcasing lives of ordinary people and vulnerable communities who are braving the odds.” said Kalli Purie, Vice-Chairperson, India Today Group.

Smile Foundation’s initiative -‘India Shares’, which was started to combat hunger among its beneficiaries who are most vulnerable, is now running successfully with the contribution of supporters from all walks of life. The Smile Foundation has already covered 15 states inthe country through dry ration distribution program and has served about 5.42 million meals to over 60,000 underprivileged children and families so far. A survival kit typically includes: Rice, Dal, Salt, Oil, Sugar, Chilli Powder, Turmeric Powder, Dalia Flour, Liquid Handwash, Disinfectant Soaps, Masks, Sanitary Napkins and Biscuits (for children).

About Smile Foundation

Smile Foundation is a national level development organisation reaching out to more than 600,000 underprivileged children, youth and women directly every year through more than 250 welfare projects on subjects such as education, healthcare, youth employability, and women empowerment across 25 states of India. Adopting a life cycle approach of development, Smile Foundation focuses its interventions on children, their families and the community.

Website –

For media queries- Samridhi – +97177704663

Press Releases

Smile Foundation ramps up mobile healthcare infrastructure as the nation braces up for third wave

Smile Foundation ramps up mobile healthcare infrastructure as the nation braces up for third wave

~Smile Foundation to add nine Smile on Wheels mobile healthcare units across India~

New Delhi, January 11, 2022: As the nation faces a possible third wave of COVID-19 infections, Smile Foundation has renewed its commitment to support primary healthcare infrastructure in the country. Smile Foundation will launch nine Smile on Wheels mobile healthcare units across the country over two months to support the delivery of primary healthcare services to underprivileged people. This will bring the total number of Smile on Wheels projects to 60 across the country.

Smile Foundation’s Smile on Wheels program covers urban slums and rural locations to provide for the public healthcare needs of the underprivileged population.

Each mobile healthcare unit covers a vicinity of up to 25 kilometers from its base and visits two to three villages a day. For secondary and tertiary healthcare, the mobile units refer patients to the nearest health facilities. Apart from providing curative services, the health teams attached to Smile on Wheels units also carry out preventive and promotive activities to encourage health-seeking behavior.

The pandemic has been a rude shock to the country’s public healthcare infrastructure, putting it under immense pressure. Throughout the past two years when the pandemic raged, interventions by private and public organizations have helped India strengthen its healthcare infrastructure and the delivery of healthcare services. Smile Foundation has ramped up its efforts as the country sees a third wave of COVID-19 infections.

Santanu Mishra, Co-Founder and Executive Trustee, Smile Foundation said, “The rapid spread of Omicron, the new variant of Coronavirus, is an indicator that the pandemic is far from over. We at Smile Foundation are monitoring the situation closely, and at the same time, are ramping up efforts to strengthen healthcare systems and service delivery.”

Smile Foundation’s Smile on Wheels initiative aims to reach the unreached with quality healthcare services. The program has so far provided free healthcare services to more than 1.5 million children and families across the country.

So far, apart from helping underprivileged people through Smile on Wheels initiative, Smile Foundation has made dry ration available to 386,210 people at their doorsteps across the country. The organization has conducted country-wide drives to spread awareness on Covid-19, hand washing, personal hygiene and vaccination. It has played roles in sample collection, distributed Covid-19 screening kits among frontline and health workers, mobilized resources for the availability and distribution of Oxygen concentrators, RTPCR kits, and home isolation kits.

About Smile Foundation

Smile Foundation is an Indian development organization directly benefiting over 1.5 million children and families every year through more than 400 welfare projects on education, healthcare, livelihood, and women empowerment spread across 2,000 villages and slums in 25 states.

Media Contact:

Sreeparna Chakrabarty: [email protected] | 9811502059


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Yusuf Sarai Community Centre
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Phone : +91-11-43123700

Supplementing & In Alignment with Government Initiatives

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Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
National Education Policy
Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao
Digital India

Disaster Response


Skill India
Enhancing Formal Skilling

Disaster Response


National Rural Health Mission
Universal Health Coverage
National Digital Health Mission
Promotion of Govt. Health Schemes

Disaster Response


Anaemia Mukt Bharat
Poshan Abhiyan
Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan
Anganwadi Strengthening