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Education Projects

Street children in Bangalore get a chance at education

Street children in Bangalore get a chance at education

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This project works for child care and development of vulnerable street children who are out of school at Jala Halli Village, Shanthinagar and Siddhapura in Bangalore. These children come from families who do not have the capacity to bring up their children in an ideal atmosphere due to extreme poverty.

The children in such circumstances do not get proper care, nutrition and education. They also fall into bad habits and fall victim to exploitation of various kinds and also get trafficked.

The project runs three residential centers in which they are protected from such evils and also get care and education. The educational programs are designed such that it can help them from knowing nothing to getting a decent education. Computer literacy programmes; sports, cultural and martial arts and life skills for children are also imparted for their overall development. Around 250 children benefit every year through the project.

Smile Foundation has partnered with Need Base India for this Mission Education project.

Education Projects

Eradicating Child Labor from Gurgaon slums through Education

Eradicating Child Labor from Gurgaon slums through Education

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This project aims to educate children who work as daily laborers and cannot afford education due to their financial condition in Surat Nagar and its neighboring slum clusters. The parents of these children are illiterate, with low income and less knowledge about health and hygiene. Child marriage and female infanticide too are prevalent practices in these agrarian rural settlements.

The project aims to eradicate child labor and bring the children working as labour to school and get them educated. The project also aims to get rid social inequalities and evils so that a meaningful integration with the contemporary mainstream could be achieved. Regular health camps as well as awareness programmes for education and women empowerment are also conducted.

The total number of children currently enrolled at the centre is 200, belonging to the age group of 3-18 years.

Smile Foundation has partnered with Gramin Vikas Samiti for the implementation of this project.

Education Projects

Education & care for abandoned and orphaned children

Education & care for abandoned and orphaned children

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There are a lot of children in India who are abandoned by their parents at a very young age because they are too poor to provide for them. As a result these children grow up in foster homes or in places which do not take care of their all round development.

Such abandoned, orphan and single parent children from the slums of Bangalore, and villages in and around the area, are inducted under this project to give them quality education and skill development training so that they can grow up to be independent and productive. The children are also provided shelter, nutrition and proper healthcare facilities.

Currently 25 children are enrolled under the project. Most of the population in the target communities works as porters and does similar other manual labor. This would have been the fate of these abandoned street children too.

Smile Foundation has partnered with True Light International India Trust for the implementation of this project.

Education Projects

Education for children from displaced families in South Dum Dum

Education for children from displaced families in South Dum Dum

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This project strives to enhance the scope of holistic educational development among the children of socially and economically disadvantaged families in South Dumdum municipality area of West Bengal. This includes a large section of displaced migrants, both from India and Bangladesh. The primary occupations for livelihood in the community are daily labour, rickshaw pulling, van pulling, vegetable vending, hawking, carpentry work, and fish selling.

Attention is paid to building critical thinking skills, enhancing creativity and promoting democratic values and attitudes among the children. Computer is taught here as a regular subject, not an additional one. Workshops on mathematics and dance, health camps and music and art sessions are also conducted. Uniforms, TLM and nutrition kits are periodically distributed to the children.

Currently, 150 children are getting primary educational support at the centre.

Smile Foundation has partnered with SPAN (Society for People’s Awareness) for the implementation of this Mission Education project.

Education Projects

Educating the under privileged in Chattisgarh

Educating the under privileged in Chattisgarh

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Chikhali and Rajnandgaon in Chattisgarh are two places which are extremely backward economically and education wise too. The areas are also conflicted in terms of militancy which does not allow the people to grow. Hence all people in these areas have remained illiterate which has also resulted in their children being illiterate because the importance of it has not been felt also due to the lack of awareness.

This project aims to bring all these first generation learners to school and empower them to an extent that they are able to come out of the shackles of poverty. Better emphasis on girl children, introducing methods of teaching which would guarantee less dropouts and creating awareness among the parents that it is important to send the children to school for their own good are some of the initiatives taken by the project.

So far, more than 350 children have been benefitted from this initiative.

Smile Foundation has partnered with Sankalp Sanskritik Samiti for the implementation of this Mission Education project.

Education Projects

Education for children in slums of Delhi and Gurgaon

Education for children in slums of Delhi and Gurgaon

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This projects works for the upliftment of the backward and slum areas of Gurgaon and Delhi in the fields of education and health and hygiene. The target group is the children from these backward and slum areas.

A lot of reasons contribute towards the poor condition of these places. There are huge disparities in the income levels of the people who stay there, people are illiterate. People are not aware of hygiene and cleanliness and also do not send their children to school. There is a widespread practice of female feticide and child marriage. The project aims at educating the children as well as the adults so that a change can be bought.

Health checkups, awareness campaigns, counseling, services and knowledge transfers through peer education programmes are some important aspects of the project. Presently, 225 children are enrolled under the project.

Smile Foundation has partnered with Max Vision Social Welfare Society for the implementation of this project.

Education Projects

Education for all – Nurturing hidden potential

Education for all – Nurturing hidden potential

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Underprivileged children from Tamluk, Kolaghat and municipal areas of Haldia, West Bengal, are directly benefitted under this Mission Education project, which is benefitting over 300 children between the age group of 6 and 10 years.Along with education, learning material and nutrition-rich food are provided to the children.

The families in the targeted areas mainly comprise of daily wage earners who work in fields, shops and as domestic aids. With meager incomes, parents are hardly able to meet even the basic needs of the family.Providing education, as a result, to their children is quite a challenge for them. Through this project, the community has been sensitized and within a short span of time, a good number of children have been enrolled in the education centres operational under the project.

Trained and experienced teachers are employed, besides committed volunteers who walk the extra mile to make learning fun and easy for the kids. Upon completion of the non-formal education of the children, the project works for mainstreaming them in local private and government schools.

Smile Foundation has partnered with Midnapore Association for Voluntary Action for this project.

Education Projects

Holistic development through Education

Holistic development through Education

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About the Partner

Jana Unnayan Samiti Tripura (JUST) is a registered NGO and has come into niche in the year 1996. JUST is a social development wing of the Diocese of Agartala working towards integrated development for all irrespective of caste, ethnic groups, and religion with special focus on poor and marginalized, in the spirit of love and service. Its mission- to empower the poor and the marginalized through dialogue, mutual trust and people’s organization towards integral human development. It envisions a self sustaining, peaceful and just society based on Gospel values. A society, which ensures full and abundant life for all: socially, economically, culturally, politically and spiritually.

About The Project

Smile Foundation inaugurated their Mission Education project for underprivileged tribal children of Jinania block of Tripura located in Korbongpara, in partnership with Jana Unnayan Samiti Tripura (JUST). The project is introducing primary English medium classes for tribal children in the area and will simultaneously work towards mainstreaming them to government school. The project also has a Balwadi centre for the small children of the area. Under this programme the centre has enrolled 100 children in the pilot phase.

Smile Foundation’s educational progammes intends to work simultaneously for community and society by providing much needed and basic education to the economically backward classes for their over all holistic empowerment.

Education Projects

Education for school dropouts in Pune

Education for school dropouts in Pune

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About the Partner

Bahujan Hitay Trust (BHT) is a voluntary registered organization working in India since 1980. Bahujan Hitya Trust is serving to poor, needy & downtrodden people of tribal and backward class. The organization is working for social development through child development projects, awareness & prevention programme about HIV/AIDS, De-addiction and other health issue in different slums and rural area in Maharashtra.

BHT Child development project is built around the understanding that development of children is interdependent development of their family and the community they live in. Through the child development project BHT intends to stop the vicious cycle of poverty and ignorance.

About The Project

The new Mission Education project started by Smile Foundation and implemented by Bahujan Hitya Trust in Pune (Maharashtra) is targeting the community that works in five brick manufacturing factories in the city. All these families are from nearby tribal areas and drought prone areas of Maharashtra, Karnataka & Gujarat. The parents usually engage the children in their work to earn more money for the family and that has been leading to a great school-drop-out rate. This project mainly aims to prevent this trend of dropping out and targets to ensure maximum enrolment and attendance in the centre.

Through remedial education and bridge course programmes Smile Foundation intends to work for the overall community empowerment by providing basic educational requirements to non school going children or school dropouts.

Education Projects

Back to School: An Endeavour for Vulnerable Kids

Back to School: An Endeavour for Vulnerable Kids

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Smile’s quest for genuine grassroots initiatives for the welfare and uplift of vulnerable and deprived children in the remotest corners of India has landed up on an initiative titled ‘Back to School Programme’. The intervention covers vulnerable slum and street children in Siliguri, West Bengal with education, health and nutritional support.

Major Activities of ‘Back to School Programme’

The literacy level is very low in the intervention area and the children are mostly drop outs or non school going children. Further, there is no primary school facility in the vicinity.

The slum dwellers are mostly engaged in daily wage earners and as domestic workers, with a paltry monthly income level of Rs.1000-1500.

There are more than a hundred non schools going children from Sukantapally Basti and surrounding slums.

Education Centre

The project includes a non formal educational centre in Tinbati Sukantapally, ward no. 32 of Siliguri Municipal Corporation in 2 shifts with 30 children in each shift. English, Hindi/ Bengali, Maths, Social Studies and GK are the subjects being taught at the center. Awareness about issues like eradication of child labour, child’s right to education is being spread through sessions/ group discussions with the community/ parents.

Health Care Facilities

To make the environment around the targeted children conducive for education, quarterly health check up of all children under the project and the women from the nearby surrounding slums is being organized.

Supplementary Nutrition

Supplementary nutrition, for example egg, biscuit, cake and fruit are essential for a child’s proper growth and development. To prevent incidence of malnutrition among the targeted children, supplementary nutrition is also being provided at the center.

Life Skill Education

Children under the project are being trained on vital aspects of personality like behaviour and etiquette, hygiene, reproductive health, good values and habits, social concerns. They are also being given training on art, craft, dance and drama through workshops and cultural programmes.

Scholarship Programme

A special annual scholarship of Rs 1500 has been instituted by Smile Foundation for 3 most outstanding students who are going to be mainstreamed into formal schools.

About the Partner

Smile Foundation’s local partner HRIDAY is a community based organization located in Ukilpara, Jalpaiguri in West Bengal. Founded in 2006, Hriday is primarily working for the welfare of High Risk Group (HRG) and underprivileged slum children. It has also been working in the areas of awareness and prevention of HIV/ AIDS.

Special Focus

  • To increase enrollment & retention rates in the non formal education centers in the targeted slum
  • Mainstreaming children of the centers into formal schools after 1 year of intervention
  • The number of children should be gradually increased by 2nd – 3rd quarter
  • 80% of the children given education should secure 60% of marks in the respective subjects and also school drop outs and slow learners should be mainstreamed to some formal schools in appropriate class during the year with their retention in school ensured through constant follow–ups
  • Regular health check up should be done for all children (including mother and community). Severely malnutritioned and anemic girls should be given proper care and brought to the growth chat, and their no. should be reported

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National Rural Health Mission
Universal Health Coverage
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Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan
Anganwadi Strengthening