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5 Ways to Raise Fierce Yet Gentle Girls

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There are women who were not merely characters of the past; they were fierce, resilient, and compassionate trailblazers who left an indelible mark on the world. Women like Arunima Sinha, who conquered Everest with unmatched determination despite losing a leg, and Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw, whose pioneering work in biotechnology revolutionized healthcare, remind us that strength and gentleness can coexist.

As friends, mothers, and sisters we have had the privilege of witnessing the radiant potential that lies within girls. In our journey of raising fierce yet gentle girls, we have learned that fostering this unique blend of strength and kindness requires a delicate balance. These are five transformative ways to empower the girls in our lives, drawing from both formal education and the invaluable informal lessons life bestows.

1. Education

Formal education serves as the spark that ignites the fire of potential within our girls. It offers them the knowledge, skills, and opportunities to carve their own path in the world. Research by many reliable organisations highlights that education empowers girls to break free from cycles of poverty, reduces child marriages, and improves their overall quality of life.

But education extends far beyond classroom walls. It’s the ongoing dialogue that we nurture at home, encouraging questions, curiosity, and a thirst for knowledge. It’s the stories we share, the books we read, and the conversations we engage in. Through these informal lessons, we impart values like empathy, compassion, and the importance of lifting others as we rise.

2. Role Models

Role models are the remarkable individuals who inspire our girls to aim high, showing them that the sky is not the limit—it’s just the beginning. Research conducted by the Harvard Business Review reveals that female role models inspire girls to set higher career goals and persevere in male-dominated fields.

We must introduce our girls to fierce women who have shattered glass ceilings and paved the way for future generations. Share stories of women who have blazed trails in fields such as science, politics, sports, and the arts. Allow our girls to see that strength and kindness are not mutually exclusive, but rather, they amplify one another.

3. Encourage Resilience

Resilience is the anchor that grounds our girls in the face of life’s tempests. It empowers them to rise from failures, learn from setbacks, and emerge stronger. Resilience is a learned behavior, nurtured through challenges and the determination to stand up again.

Imagine a world where our girls see adversity as a stepping stone rather than a stumbling block. It’s a world where we encourage them to face their fears, embrace discomfort, and understand that failure is a part of the journey towards success. Share stories of renowned individuals who have overcome adversity through resilience and unwavering determination.

4. Encourage Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is the compass that guides our girls through the uncharted waters of the modern world. It equips them with the ability to question, analyze, and make informed decisions. According to the World Economic Forum, critical thinking is among the top skills required for success in the workforce of the future.

Envision a world where our girls embrace curiosity and the courage to question the status quo. Encourage open discussions on various topics, fostering an environment where diverse perspectives are valued. Critical thinking not only prepares them academically but also empowers them to be informed, responsible global citizens.

5. Support Their Passions

Our girls are like flames, each with a unique essence and passions that fuel their ambitions. American Psychological Association research tells us that when girls pursue their passions, it boosts their self-esteem, motivation, and overall well-being.

Picture a world where our girls are encouraged to explore their interests freely. Provide them with the resources, mentorship, and opportunities to fan the flames of their passions. Let them know that their pursuits, no matter how unconventional, are not just worthwhile but worth celebrating.

In conclusion, nurturing fierce yet gentle girls is an art of balance. It’s about empowering them with education, resilience, and critical thinking while nurturing their unique essence and passions.

Smile Foundation through its girl child campaign, She Can Fly, is an initiative dedicated to nurturing the dreams of women and girls, transforming them into vibrant realities. Focusing on education, vocational and skill training, and healthcare and nutrition, She Can Fly embodies the boundless potential residing within every woman and girl.

Together, let us raise girls who are fierce advocates for themselves and others, making the world a truly better place for everyone, starting with themselves.

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