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World Environment Day 2024- A Healthy Planet with Powerful Partnerships

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  • World Environment Day 2024- A Healthy Planet with Powerful Partnerships

Global warming, deforestation, and declining water levels are problems of every living being on this planet. With every day passing by, this problem is becoming grave. The intention is not to scare anyone but it is time to give World Environment Day its true recognition. Let’s practise- Collective steps to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle resources to save our environment, our home.

This time let’s mark World Environment Day 2024, as a turning point in our lives. Why? For our future generations to also experience the bliss of lush green trees, clear skies with twinkling stars and pristine blue sweet water- which has unfortunately become a “Once upon a time affair”, already.

World Environment Day- Let’s go beyond just a day 

Every year World Environment Day is celebrated on 5th June and is celebrated to raise awareness and spur action for environmental protection. Established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972, today it has evolved into a widespread movement involving over 150 countries.

Promoting a specific theme every year, the World Environment Day celebrates the marvels of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 15 to Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss. 

This year, the World Environment Day comes as a reminder to celebrate “Our Land, Our Future” by promoting  land restoration, desertification and drought resilience. It empowers us to  be the custodians of the planet.

Individuals, businesses, NGOs, and governments must collectively take measures to save our lands before we lose our greenery and natural resources to exploits. It’s time to intensify our dialogues, raising awareness, and mobilising resources. All to catalyse positive change at local, national, and global levels.

Let’s ‘Save Earth’ before it’s too late

Many countries shall be experiencing the hottest summer to date in 2024. India shall also see a significant temperature rise. Scientists have explained that the sudden rise in the temperature is partially because of the robust El Niño event which is presently underway. It is anticipated to make a significant contribution to the escalation in global temperatures, potentially surpassing the critical threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.

In light of this concerning scenario, it becomes increasingly vital to acknowledge and implement the understanding that safeguarding the environment is not solely the duty of individuals or the government. This responsibility is collective and all stakeholders are responsible for preserving and protecting the environment together, so that sustainable and positive changes can be made benefitting not just today, but even our tomorrow. 

Implementing a Sustainable Future- With Individuals to Corporate Social Responsibility

As the environmental concerns grow in size and impact, the solutions to manage these issues need to be amplified and implemented vigorously. Therefore, the inclusion of every stakeholder in saving the environment is pivotal. 

Over the years, corporates across the world have taken a keen interest in investing in environmental sustainability. India too has seen a significant and promising involvement of big corporates in developing, protecting and promoting a sustainable environment. 

As per a study by CSRBox, estimations for 2022-23 shows that 23% of corporate CSR funding is in environment-related projects. 

Furthermore, the initiation of employee engagement activities has been another facet of corporates being responsible for saving the planet. By encouraging their employees to actively participate in employee engagement ideas and activities such as –

  • Tree Plantation
  • Cleanliness Drive 
  • Best out of Waste 
  • Mud Pottery
  • Recycled paper poster-making

Corporates promote and foster environmental stewardship benefiting both the Earth and businesses. By involving employees in sustainability initiatives on this global day, companies can inspire a series of actions. Those actions can help mitigate pollution, conserve natural resources, and promote biodiversity. This in turn will lead to a healthier planet for present and future generations. Most importantly,  it establishes a sense of responsibility and collective action towards environmental protection.

CSR, Employee Engagement & World Environment Day- An Impactful Celebration

Corporations promoting their employees to engage on a global day like World Environment Day shows their commitment towards sustainability, which is necessary for a company’s reputation in today’s environmentally conscious world. 

Thus, by conducting continuous employee engagement activities for social welfare, corporates can help their employees to de-stress and take a break. This will give them a moral boost, better productivity and a sense of contentment by giving back to the society. 

Green Teams Unite: Employee Engagement for World Environment Day with Smile 

This World Environment Day, encourage your employees to be a part of a transforming world. A world where from the destruction of the earth, we move towards the preservation of our – land, planet, and home.

Collaborate with Smile Foundation by participating in our green-themed employee engagement activities. They are specially designed to celebrate the true essence of World Environment Day 2024 – the restoration of the environment.

Join us to make real impact through effective and sustainable environmental actions with a shared purpose. Let’s strengthen and build a lasting harmonious relationship between the corporate sector and civil society

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2 replies on “World Environment Day 2024- A Healthy Planet with Powerful Partnerships”

We would like to engage our employees in sustainable activities on world Environment Day 2024. Please connect so we could discuss this. Would like to know more about tree plantation activities.

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