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What Boss Woman? It’s the Age of Relaxed Women

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What Boss Woman? It’s the Age of Relaxed Women

Being a woman has always been a formidable journey, marked by relentless challenges and the continuous struggle to shatter societal stereotypes. Each day presents a new battlefield where women find themselves compelled to justify their existence in a world that often dismisses them based solely on their gender. The idea of relaxed women then sounds sort of bizarre.

The relentless pressure to uphold expectations, defend their rights, and ensure their safety looms over every aspect of a woman’s life. Yet, in this constant turmoil, when do women find the time to unwind? When do they allow themselves the luxury of tranquility without feeling burdened by guilt or apology?

Where are the relaxed women?

Relaxation and peace, devoid of guilt or remorse, remain elusive luxuries for women in our society. It is a luxury that eludes them, even after dedicating their entire day to the well-being of their families. While it is commonplace for men to unwind after a long day’s work, reclining on the couch with dinner served and a chilled beer in hand, women seldom receive the same acknowledgment for their relentless efforts. The societal narrative perpetuates the notion that men have earned the right to unwind, free from familial responsibilities, while women continue to labor without respite.

For women, the very idea of indulging in leisure activities evokes a sense of discomfort, ingrained by years of conditioning that prioritize duty over personal well-being. Even childhood memories are tainted by societal expectations, as the belief that serving one’s father is a sign of filial piety overshadowed moments of youthful innocence.

It’s never over for them

Despite retirement, mothers remains ensnared by a perpetual cycle of busyness, conditioned to prioritize familial obligations over personal relaxation. Such narratives underscore the systemic barriers that obstruct women from embracing leisure without facing societal scrutiny. The relentless focus of society on women’s roles as caregivers diminishes the importance of self-care, relegating relaxation to the realm of guilt and frivolity.

Relaxed women are often equated with rebellion in a society that expects them to prioritize familial obligations above all else. Those who dare to carve out moments for themselves are met with judgment and hostility, their actions deemed irresponsible and selfish. Such societal expectations manifest in subtle forms of coercion, discouraging women from pursuing activities that nurture their well-being. Consequently, women find themselves trapped in a relentless cycle of productivity, denied the fundamental right to reclaim their time for relaxation.

No more girl bosses? Only relaxed professionals

The era of the girl boss, once celebrated as a feminist symbol, has given way to a new trend embraced by Gen Z: the “snail girl” lifestyle. Coined by Sienna Ludbey in a Fashion Journal article titled “‘Snail girl era’: Why I’m slowing down and choosing to be happy rather than busy,” this trend emphasizes prioritizing happiness and self-care over the relentless pursuit of success and productivity.

Girl bosses feel the constant pressure to project success and busyness, a narrative perpetuated by societal expectations. However, the pandemic prompted many to reevaluate their priorities and challenge the notion that a purposeful life is synonymous with professional achievements. The snail girl lifestyle involves embracing a slower pace and focusing on personal creativity and fulfillment, irrespective of societal expectations.

This shift in mindset reflects a broader disillusionment with the girl boss identity, particularly among younger generations experiencing burnout and questioning the pursuit of traditional measures of success.

Trends in favor of prioritizing the wellness of women

The emergence of trends like “lazy girl jobs” on TikTok and the growing popularity of the snail girl era signal a departure from hustle culture and toxic workplace environments. TikTokers are embracing the snail girl aesthetic, sharing moments of relaxation and self-care as a form of resistance against societal pressures. However, this trend also reflects Gen Z’s aversion to anxiety and their desire to design lives that prioritize well-being over professional achievements.

While the snail girl lifestyle may offer immediate gratification, it could have long-term consequences, particularly in terms of career advancement and financial stability. Welch noted that many individuals may ultimately reassess their priorities and transition back to more conventional career paths as they navigate the trade-offs of the snail girl lifestyle.

The rise of the snail girl trend represents a broader cultural shift towards prioritizing well-being and personal fulfillment over societal expectations of success. As Gen Z redefines their relationship with work and success, they are challenging traditional narratives and embracing lifestyles that prioritize happiness and self-care above all else.

Relaxed women powering ahead

In essence, relaxation is a fundamental human need that transcends gender boundaries. Yet, women continue to grapple with societal expectations that dictate their every move, leaving little room for personal rejuvenation. It is time to challenge these entrenched norms and advocate for women’s right to leisure without guilt or judgment. By redefining societal perceptions of women’s roles and dismantling systemic barriers, we can create a world where relaxed women are celebrated with relaxation not being a privilege reserved for a select few.

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