Thank You Teachers for Your Dedication!

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Thank You Teachers for Your Dedication!

Students, parents, teachers around the world are facing the unimaginable consequences of the spread of the pandemic due to the closing down of schools and educational institutions. While everyone is trying to cope with the challenges teachers are facing problems to provide quality education to children due to lack of resources. The most affected are the children living in rural areas and urban slums.


Teachers teaching in Smile Foundation’s Mission Education centres are facing similar problems but they are determined to help the children even if it means taking the school to their homes. Here are some testimonials which speak volumes about their hard-work. We thank you, teachers for everything that you have made possible for our little children and their education.


Neeta, Teacher, Mission Education Centre Delhi


“The first thing that we did was a survey, we visited the children from our Mission education centre to understand the problems they were facing in their studies.”



Ravi Pratap Singh, Teacher, Mission Education Centre


“We have created a special app called Udbhav and we are also encouraging the use of the app provided by the government, Diksha for the education of children from home. We share quiz based content and share the other curriculum content in form of PDFs with the children. we are trying our best to keep the children engaged”



Shweta, Teacher, Mission Education Centre Mumbai


“Hopefully in the coming year we will be out of this situation and we will be able to meet our students sitting on those benches and making fun!”- Shweta



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