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Journey to the Moon: Inspiring Young Minds through STEM

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  • Journey to the Moon: Inspiring Young Minds through STEM

On the 14th of July 2023 in a charming village called Chavakkad, located in Thrissur district, Kerala, a group of eager students came together for an exciting STEM workshop conducted by Smile Foundation.  They had no idea that this day would lead them on an incredible adventure. Among these enthusiastic learners was a boy named Abhay* studying in the sixth grade, who was super excited about the upcoming launch of Chandrayaan-3, India’s space mission to the moon.

During the workshop, Abhay and his friends couldn’t contain their enthusiasm as they discussed space, science, and the fascinating world of exploration. Little did they know that they are attending this STEM workshop on a historic date that is the day of the launch of Chandayaan -3.

The STEM workshop aimed to ignite the student’s curiosity, encouraging them to explore the world through science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. With hands-on experiments, interactive sessions, and engaging discussions, the students embarked on a journey of discovery. The workshop’s primary objective was to foster critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and a passion for learning among young minds.

From the very beginning, Abhay’s young mind was eager to absorb every bit of knowledge.  During the workshop, he reminded us about the launch as he was eagerly waiting to see it. 

The STEM workshop provided the perfect platform to connect Abhay’s fascination with Chandrayaan-3 to the broader realms of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics and connect with the immediate environment. 

As the workshop progressed, Abhay’s infectious enthusiasm began to influence his friends. The discussions grew livelier, filled with ideas, questions, and dreams of reaching for the stars. The students discovered that STEM was not merely a collection of subjects but a gateway to unlocking the mysteries of the universe.

At 2:35 pm, while the STEM workshop was still going on, something incredible happened – Chandrayaan-3 was launched! The students gathered around a big screen, filled with excitement, and watched in awe as the rocket carrying the spacecraft soared high into the sky. It was a moment that showcased the amazing achievements of science and human brilliance.

The STEM workshop at Chavakkad served as a catalyst for Abhay and his friend’s dreams and aspirations. They realized that STEM education was the key to unlocking the vast potential within them. Inspired by Chandrayaan-3’s mission, these young minds started imagining their own future roles in scientific research, space exploration, and technological innovation.

The day with the STEM workshop and the historic launch all came together, turning a regular day in school into a special memory that would stay with the students forever. STEM education holds the incredible opportunities the universe holds and sparked their love for learning. Now, equipped with the knowledge from the workshop, they carry the dream of reaching for the moon & stars just like Chandrayaan-3 did on that unforgettable day.

We have the potential to inspire a generation of young minds to aim higher, dream bigger, and contribute to the advancement of science and technology through the power of STEM education.

*name changed to protect the identity

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