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Course Modules of Smile Foundation’s Livelihood Programme

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Getting Ahead by Skilling the Youth
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  • Course Modules of Smile Foundation’s Livelihood Programme

With over one-third of the Indian population comprising youth, they form a significant portion of the nation’s workforce. In a country like India, where a vast young populace exists, the realization of a demographic dividend becomes even more critical. For this dividend to truly benefit the nation, equipping and enabling the youth with essential skills and their livelihood becomes imperative. Properly channeled, the energy of underprivileged youth can be a driving force for economic growth and nation-building.

At Smile Foundation, our Livelihood programme, STeP bridges the gap between unemployed or underemployed youth from disadvantaged backgrounds and sectors with immense potential for growth and employment generation. Often, the untapped potential of youth remains dormant due to a lack of proper training and qualifications. Our programme empowers them, uplifting their prospects and integrating them into the nation’s growth narrative. This initiative is a step towards synergizing with the government’s Skill India mission and aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals 4 and 8.

There are carefully structured six course modules- Core Employability, Healthcare, BFSI, BPO, Retail Management, and Digital Marketing.

Core Employability

The Core Employability module serves as the foundation for individuals seeking to enter the workforce. It covers essential skills such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, time management, and professionalism. By honing these skills, participants develop a well-rounded skill set that not only makes them job-ready but also enhances their personal growth and confidence.

Muniba was trained on Core Employability under Smile Foundation’s livelihood initiative- Smile Twin e-Learning Programme (STeP). She now works at a multi-national retail clothing chain in Delhi.


Muniba shares, “In the community where I live, many parents are worried about their children’s education. Circumstances have forced us to always live from hand to mouth. Many girls could not study beyond class 8. I could not continue my education after my 12th.

My father is a tailor, and for the last two years, he did not have a stable income owing to the pandemic. He has always struggled to pay rent, school fees, and other expenses for my siblings and me. Now that I’ve received my first paycheck, I believe there is a silver lining that we’ve all been waiting for. My parents have provided us with unwavering stability throughout life’s hardships, and now that I am economically independent, I would like to offer them a feeling of financial security.”


With the growing demand for healthcare professionals, Smile Foundation’s Healthcare module prepares individuals for various roles in the medical field. From patient care to administrative tasks, this module imparts practical skills and theoretical knowledge to ensure that participants are well-prepared to contribute effectively in healthcare settings.

After getting trained in the General Duty Assistant (GDA) course of our livelihood programme, Divya is working as a Nursing Assistant at Dr. J. A. E. Trust Dispensary in Puzhal Camp, Chennai district of Tamil Nadu state


“A few months back, my father was the only breadwinner of the family. He makes minimum wages as a mason worker. To make things more difficult, the middlemen take a good part of that money as their commission. With such little money, our basic needs seemed like a luxury.

I was looking for a miracle. When someone from Smile Foundation approached us, I was initially hesitant about enrolling in it. What if I get defrauded? What if I don’t get a decent job after the training period? But I took a leap of faith and joined the GDA course.

The first few days were a bit scary but as the trainers shared their knowledge, my curiosity to learn more knew no bounds. Soon I was asking many questions and surprisingly made good friends at the centre. I was so confident by the end of the training that appearing in interviews didn’t make me feel cornered. Now I am working as a nursing assistant and shouldering my home’s responsibility along with my father.

It takes one step to change your life and I think I have changed my life completely. If you ask me what my benchmark for a good life is— I will say it’s eating good food. I eat well every day now. Now that’s a big achievement, right?”

Banking, Financial Services and Insurance (BFSI)

The BFSI sector offers diverse opportunities in banking, insurance, and financial services. Smile Foundation’s BFSI module imparts financial literacy and equips participants with banking and insurance operations, customer service skills, and financial planning knowledge. This module empowers individuals to take up roles that directly impact financial well-being.

Ruby was trained in Banking, Financial Services and Insurance (BFSI) and placed in an Insurance company in New Delhi.


“Somehow, I was never bound by my circumstances. But I love my family, and it pained me to see how my father struggled to look after seven members on his meager salesman’s salary. So as soon as I completed my schooling, I decided to help my father and look for a job. I am so grateful that the Smile Twin e-learning Programme (STeP) made this possible. It not only helped me acquire skills. It provided me with the much-needed path to empowerment.

When you are young, you have the energy and the zeal to reach new heights. There will always be people around you to discourage you. The only thing to remember is that if you have faith in yourself, you can achieve whatever you wish for.”


The BPO sector has witnessed rapid growth, providing ample employment opportunities. Smile Foundation’s BPO module focuses on communication, customer service, data management, and problem-solving skills. These skills are essential for excelling in the outsourcing industry and securing roles in customer support, data entry, and more.

Retail Management

As the retail industry continues to expand, the Retail Management module prepares participants for a variety of roles. From customer service to inventory management and visual merchandising, this module covers all aspects of the retail sector, enhancing participants’ chances of success in this dynamic field.

Puja Durgappa Kunchikorve was trained in employability skills and is now placed in a Multinational Corporation in Mumbai.


“Overcoming our family’s financial struggles has always been a challenge I wholeheartedly embraced. My parents, Aai and Baba, showed so much diligence and commitment, which deeply influenced my own motivation and drive.

Baba, a hardworking contract worker, tirelessly provided for our family of four siblings. Despite the daily roller coaster of emotions, we faced, their dedication to our well-being never faded. Their determination to secure the best possible future for us inspired each one of us profoundly.

The day I handed over my first salary to Baba remains etched in my memory. It was a mix of emotions: happiness, excitement, and heartfelt gratitude. Seeing the hope shining in my father’s eyes filled me with immense pride and moved me to tears. It fueled my determination to achieve even more in my own journey.”

Digital Marketing

In today’s digital age, digital marketing skills are in high demand across industries. Smile Foundation’s Digital Marketing module equips participants with the knowledge of social media management, content creation, SEO, and online advertising. This module empowers individuals to tap into the vast opportunities presented by the online landscape.

Priti was trained in Digital Marketing under our livelihood programme and is now placed in an NGO in Delhi.


“Growing up in a modest household with four siblings, financial struggles were a constant companion. My father, a construction worker, and my mother, the backbone of our household, did their best to provide for us despite the challenges we faced.

Irrespective of our circumstances, my father instilled in us the belief that we could dream big and achieve greatness. It was during this time that Smile Foundation’s community mobilizer introduced us to the skill training center, where they offered a program on digital marketing. My brother seized the opportunity and succeeded, becoming an inspiration for me.

Motivated by my brother’s achievements, I decided to enroll in the digital marketing program at the same center. I worked hard to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge. My efforts paid off, and I am now proudly employed in an NGO as a digital marketer, and in my own way, giving back to society.”

Transforming Lives through Skill Development and Livelihood

By addressing the unique needs of each sector, these modules open doors to a world of livelihood opportunities, ensuring that every participant can write their success story and inspire others to follow suit. Through skill development, Smile Foundation is trying to build a more inclusive future for all.

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