( August 17, 2019 )
Three premium motorcycle manufacturers organised Independence Day rides on occasion of 72nd Indian Independence Day.
Ducati organised its first ever Independence Day ride in India
It was India’s 72nd Independence Day and premium motorcycle manufacturers such as Ducati, Indian and Triumph organised Independence Day rides across the country. Up first was Ducati, who conducted its first ever independence ride in India. There were 350 participants across the country that came together and rode their Ducatis, tying up with the Lotus Petal foundation and supporting the cause of education and dignity of life for underprivileged children.
(Ducati tied up Lotus Petal Foundation to support the education of under-privileged children)
Sergi Canovas, MD of Ducati India, said “It’s a proud moment for Ducati, to have organised a first-of-its-kind Independence Day ride in the country, in association with the Lotus Petal Foundation. The Ducati family came out in great numbers to show their support to the cause and help raise awareness to transform the lives of the underprivileged. The participation from Ducatistis was a testimony to the brand and the motorcycle community giving a perfect platform for riders to come together to pledge independence from everything that’s holding these children back from achieving their aspirations.”
Over 513 Triumph owner got together across India for its Freedom Ride)
Triumph Motorcycles India too celebrated the Independence Day by organizing its annual Triumph Freedom Ride across its dealerships in India. A total of 513 Triumph owners participated in the ride across the country. The company continued its annual tradition of supporting the cause of girl child education. Triumph riders donated generously for this very special cause. The proceeds from the ride will support the “She Can Fly” campaign of Smile Foundation, and will be used to educate girl children for one full year.
Shoeb Farooq, General Manager, Triumph Motorcycles India, said, “It was fantastic to see so many of our riders turning up for the Independence Day ride, all riding for a noble cause, It was indeed a proud moment for all of us to be a part of this Freedom Ride. In a country like ours, where the female population has limited access to education, it is imperative we continue to create opportunities for growing girl children to learn, grow and evolve.
Lastly, but not in the least, it was Indian Motorcycle who organised a Freedom Ride at all of its nine dealerships in India. Riders from Indian Motorcycle Riders Group (IMRG) got together and rode to a venue of national importance in each city. Indian also conducted a contest of sorts on its social media handles, with the winner getting a helmet having the Indian tri-colour colour scheme.